Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Comparing articles about the drinking age

I chose two opposing articles online about the drinking age. One article supported that the drinking age in the United States should be twenty-one and the other article should be changed to eighteen.
The first article (http://www.cspinet.org/booze/mlpafact.htm) supporting the drinking age to continue to be twenty –one stated a lot of facts. One main fact that was brought up was that a National Study found that kids in high school drank more when they had a lower drinking age of eighteen, compared to kids in high school that had to follow a drink age of twenty-one. Another topic that was mentioned was that kids who start drinking at age eighteen are more willing to drink more heavily in college and as they get older. The article said if the drink age were to be lowered it to eighteen than kids younger than eighteen would start to drink even earlier than eighteen.
The second article (http://www.indiana.edu/~engs/articles/cqoped.html) offered a lot of reasons why the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen. The article mentioned that most kids drink under the age of twenty-one because they want to rebel and go against authority. Therefore, it is an adrenalin rush for the kids because they try not to get caught by the cops, but they are not as worried because of their alcohol consumption. One fact that stood out was that drinking and driving accidents percentage decreased, but before the drinking age was raised to twenty-one. The last fact that was surprising to me was since the drinking age has gone up missing class percentage, lower grade percentage, getting in drinking fights percentage and vomiting after drinking percentage have all gone up a more than a couple percent.
I think that the first article about the drinking age should stay at twenty-one is more convincing. I think that it is more convincing because of all the facts that were listed. My opinion has not changed after I have read the articles. I still think that the drinking age in the United States should stay at twenty-one because kids are not responsible enough at eighteen. The only argument that I have is that I feel there are other factors that need to be considered in the second article is that more kids have started to go to college. Therefore, I feel that may have affected the results of some of the percentages. After reading the articles my personal feelings are the same as the writers themselves on the topic. In other words I agree with the first article in some areas and I agree with the second article in some areas.

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